List of Fully Funded Italian Scholarships 2023-2024 for International Students to Study Bachelors,Masters,PhD Free in Italy


Italian Scholarships 2023 Deadlines for all colleges. People frequently inquire about Italian scholarships and the deadlines for applying. As a result, we compiled a list of all Italian Scholarships for International Students given by Italian Universities. They are now accepting applications for the class of 2023. Applicants can apply for Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes.

Some of the most popular Italian scholarships are available at universities such as Pisa, Padua, Paviua, Milan University, University of Rome, Venice, and many others. The Italian universities provide these scholarships. Without IELTS, you can easily gain admission. Most Italian scholarships need IELTS. The following is a list of the Italian Scholarships 2023 Deadlines (For All Universities).

List of Top Italy Scholarships 2023 Deadlines in 2023

I'll include the universities, their application deadlines, and a link to their websites where you may apply.

University of Pisa Italy Scholarship 2023

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is May 15, 2023.
  3. For more information: visit here 

University of Verona Italian Scholarships 2023 

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is April 16, 2023.
  3. For more information visit here 

the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio 

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is April 30th, 2023.
  3. For more information visit here 

University of Padua Scholarship Italy 2023 

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is May 2, 2023.
  3. For more information visit here 

University of Turin Scholarships in Italy 

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is April 16, 2023.
  3. For more information visit here 

University of Plamero Italy Scholarships 2023 

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is May 2, 2023.
  3. For more informationvisit here 

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Scholarships 2023 

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is April 21, 2023.
  3. For more information visit here 

University of Siena Scholarships 2023

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is November 30th.
  3. For more information visit here 

University of Parma Scholarships 2023 

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is April 30th, 2023.
  3. For more information visit here 

The University of Macerata Scholarships 2023

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is May 3, 2023.
  3. For more information visit here

The University of Milan Scholarships 2023

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is May 31, 2023.
  3. For more information visit here 

University of Ferrara Scholarships 2023 

  1. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
  2. The deadline is August 31st, 2023.
  3. For more information visit here
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