Fully Funded Commonwealth Scholarships UK 2024-2025 for International - Students Study Free Masters and PhD in UK


The UK Commonwealth Scholarship 2024 is a fully funded scholarship program administered by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO). The scholarship provides students from low and middle-income Commonwealth countries with a one-year master's degree program and a three-year Ph.D. grant. Commonwealth fellowship is one of the most prestigious UK scholarships, alongside Chevening and Gates Cambridge.
Applicants must apply online for the CSC Scholarship as well as through a nominating organization. The applicants will be chosen by the Nominating Agency and forwarded to the Commonwealth Committee. The scholarships are for students planning to study in the United Kingdom commencing in September/October 2024. The application procedure for the UK Commonwealth Scholarship 2024/25 is outlined below.

Financial Coverage 

The Commonwealth Scholarship will give each scholarship winner with the following benefits:
  1. The return air ticket covers the entire tuition fee.
  2. A monthly stipend of £1,347 or £1,652 is provided.
  3. Also includes the allowance for warm clothing.
  4. Thesis Funding
  5. Grants for Additional Study Travel
  6. If the applicants are widowed, divorced, or single parents, the scholarship pays the first kid £576.61 per month and £143 per month for the second and third children under the age of 16.
  7. A disabled individual is entitled to additional compensation.

Supporting Documents 

Documents included with the application:
  1. Proof of citizenship from a Commonwealth-eligible country.
  2. A Valid Passport Copies
  3. Full transcripts of all higher education degrees, including current transcripts for any courses being taken, with certified translations if not in English. If any transcripts are missing or do not include full pages, the application will be rejected.
  4. At least two references, in PDF format, signed and on institutional letterhead or an email clearly displaying the sender's identity.

Eligible countries 

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Belize
  3. Botswana
  4. Cameroon
  5. Dominica
  6. Eswatini
  7. Fiji
  8. Ghana Gabon
  9. Grenada
  10. Guyana
  11. India
  12. Jamaica
  13. Kenya
  14. Kiribati
  15. Lesotho
  16. Malawi
  17. Malaysia
  18. Maldives
  19. Mauritius
  20. Montserrat
  21. Mozambique
  22. Namibia
  23. Nauru
  24. Nigeria
  25. Pakistan
  26. Papua New Guinea (PNG)
  27. Rwanda
  28. Saint Helena and St. Lucia
  29. The Republic of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  30. Samoa
  31. The Republic of Sierra Leone
  32. The Solomon Islands
  33. The Republic of South Africa
  34. Sri Lankan
  35. Tanzania
  36. Gambian Republic
  37. Togo
  38. Tonga
  39. Tuvalu
  40. Uganda
  41. Vanuatu and Zambia

Eligibility Criteria 

  1. Be a citizen of, or a refugee in, the aforementioned nation.
  2. Permanent resident of one of the nations listed above.
  3. Be ready to begin academic courses in September 2024.
  4. Hold a first degree with at least upper second-class (2:1) honors or a lower second-class degree and an appropriate postgraduate certification (typically a Master's degree) before September 2024.
  5. Without this scholarship, you would be unable to study in the UK.
  6. I have submitted the relevant supporting documentation.

Application process

The application process is online. Candidates looking forward can apply for the scholarship by clicking on the link mentioned. 
For masters scholarship visit here
For PHD scholarship visit here


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