Study in Canada 2024-2024 - Fully Funded Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program at University of Toronto


The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program at the University of Toronto is designed to celebrate international students who have demonstrated great academic achievement and inventiveness, as well as who are recognized as school leaders. A strong emphasis is placed on the student's impact on the life of their school and community, as well as their future potential to positively contribute to the global community.

Institution(s) hosting:

Canada's University of Toronto

Level/subject of study:

The University offers an undergraduate curriculum.

The number of awards is:

Lester B. Pearson Scholars will be named each year to roughly 37 students.

Group to target:

International students from all around the world, including those studying in Canadian high schools.

Scholarship amount, inclusions, and duration:

For four years, the scholarship will cover tuition, books, incidental expenses, and full residence assistance.


To apply for the Pearson International Scholarship, you must be:
  1. an international student (i.e. a non-Canadian requiring a study permit); 
  2. currently in your final year of secondary school or have graduated no earlier than June 2023; 
  3. beginning your studies at the University of Toronto in September 2024 (students already enrolled in post-secondary studies are not eligible; students beginning their studies at another post-secondary institution in January 2024 are not eligible). 
Instructions for use:

Applications will be accepted beginning in September 2023.
  1. To become a Pearson Scholar, you must be recommended by your school and apply to the University of Toronto for undergraduate studies. To apply, you must do the following:
  2. You will be nominated by your school.  (High schools that have not already been contacted/verified are asked to file an application for nomination privileges, which may be found here.)
  3. Apply to the University of Toronto to begin your studies in 2024, and make sure to submit your application by the deadlines.
  4. Once the university has received a nomination and you have applied, you can complete the online Lester B. Pearson Scholarship application.
  5. The deadline for school nominations is November 30, 2023. The deadline for student admissions is December 15, 2023 (you should apply before November 7, 2023). The deadline for scholarship applications is January 15, 2024.
  6. It is critical to go to the official website (link provided below) for further information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Visit here to apply


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